CHIEF DIRECTORATE: Legislation And Policy Management
The Chief Directorate: Legislation and Policy Management (CD: LPM) develops disaster management and fire services policies, legislative frameworks and guidelines derived from the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002), the National Disaster Management Framework, 2005, and the Fire Brigade Services Act, (Act No. 99 of 1987). The CD: LPM also provides support to stakeholders on the implementation of the policies and frameworks across the sectors and spheres of government. The CD: LPM has a staff complement of 7 people and comprises the following two Directorates.
Directorate: Policy Development and Regulatory Frameworks The Directorate: Policy Development and Regulatory Frameworks (Dir: PDRF) comprises a senior manager, a manager and a deputy manager and is responsible to oversee the development, amendment, implementation of and compliance to disaster management legislation, frameworks, policies and guidelines. The Dir: PDRF also provides direction and input on the development of national and international disaster management related standards, and performs research on the regulatory environment, including other legislation impacting on disaster management. In the 2015/16, the Dir: PDRF executed this mandate by,
Directorate: Fire Services The Directorate: Fire Services (Dir: FS) is responsible for the administration of the Fire Brigade Services Act, 1987 (Act No. 99 of 1987) (FBSA) which is one of the key mandates of the Department of Cooperative Governance. The FBSA provides for the establishment, maintenance, employment, coordination and standardisation of fire brigade services in the country. The Dir: FS comprises a senior manager and a manager and is responsible for among other things: - National coordination of fire service activities;
- Establishment of national fire services institutional structures;
- Provision of targeted support to provincial fire services structures;
- Development of Regulations in terms of the FBSA;
- Development and review of regulatory frameworks for the fire services;
- Provision of secretariat support to the Fire Brigade Board;
- Serving as primary point of contact to the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Secretariat (Operational Focal Point);
- Development and support implementation of national fire safety and prevention strategies/ frameworks;
- Establishment of partnerships with key role players.