What We Do
Emergency Relief Funding - Currently the National Government (NDMC) has two sets of emergency funding namely, Provincial Disaster Grant and Municipal Disaster Grant.
- This grants were introduced during 2011 financial year.
- The main objective of the grant is to pro-actively respond to the immediate needs after a disaster has occurred in order to deal with its consequences.
- The Provincial Disaster Grant focuses
ONLY on provincial infrastructure damages while the Municipal Disaster Grant focuses
ONLY on municipal infrastructure damages.
Disaster Grant Guidelines - Both grants are administered by the National Disaster Management Centre in consultation with National Treasury.
- The grants are allocated solely for the purposes of responding to the immediate needs after a disaster has occurred and with the aim to alleviate the immediate consequences of disasters.
The grants be can be accessed by both Provinces and Municipalities upon the submission of the following: - A BUSINESS PLAN WHICH MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING DETAILS :
- Copy of the classification letter in terms of the Disaster Management act 57 of 2002
- Copy of the declaration in terms of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002
- An initial assessment which includes the number of people affected and details of infrastructure damaged.
- A cost cash flow indicating the items to be purchased for the purposes of immediate relief and their estimated costs.
- Support that has been received from NGOs and businesses
Conditions Of Both Provincial & Municipal Disaster Grant - Both copies of the declaration of disaster and classification letter in terms of the Disaster Management act 57 of 2002 (as amended)
- This grant may only be used to fund the expenditure in the event that the responsible line function organ of state is unable to deal with the effects of the disaster utilising own legislation/ guidelines and resources
- The examples of expenditure that may be funded from the grant:
- Provision of temporary shelters in the event that Human Settlements is unable to provide
- Provision of temporary access roads and bridges in the event that the line function organ of state is unable to provide.
- Provision of mobile classrooms in the event that DBE is unable.
- Provide assistance to the agricultural sector such as livestock feed
- Funds from the grant must be utilised within
3 CALENDER MONTHS following the date of the transfer to the province
- Emergency procurement system as guided by PFMA and MFMA should be invoked to ensure immediate assistance to the affected communities
- The criteria for allocation will be on a case by case basis.
- It is also safe to mention that proof must be submitted that the sector cannot fund the occurrence based on reason stated before application can be finalized.
Post Disaster Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Funding - This is the second phase after a disaster has happened.
- In terms of the National Treasury regulations and the Disaster Management Act an independent opinion is required to verify post disaster damages in order to apply for Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Funding and now called Provincial & Municipal Recovery Grant (PDRG & MDRG).
- Currently the NDMC has a pool of Professional Service Providers (PSP's) that are on data base that conduct post disaster verification in terms of cost of damages.
- The affected province/ municipality and sectors must form part of the verification team with the PSP's.
- After post disaster verification all affected role players approves the verification report to be submitted to the NDMC.
- Once all this has been done the NDMC will approach the National Treasury for rehabilitation and reconstruction funding through the normal or adjustment budget process.
NB: NDMC can consider negotiating with NT to release the funds before the normal budgetary process
Responsibilities of the NDMC - Conduct preliminary cost verification and submit request to NT within 14 days of receiving a written funding request or a submission from PDMC
- Seek approval from NT for the disbursement of funds to provincial sector departments within 35 days of receipt of application and submission of preliminary report from the PDMC
- Notify the relevant PDMC and Provincial Treasury at least 2 days before transfer and funds must be transferred no later than 5 days after notification
- Provide a performance report to NT within 45 days of the end of the quarter in which funds were spent
Responsibilities of the PDMC - Jointly with the affected provincial departments conduct initial assessments of disaster impacts to verify the application for funding within 14 days following the occurrence of the incident that meets the conditions
- Conduct assessments of disaster impacts together with NDMC and the affected line function organ of state to verify application for funding within 35 days of the incident
- Submit request for disaster funding, monitor projects and provide reports to the NDMC
- Provide financial reports to the NDMC within 15 days after end of each month
- Provide performance reports which includes evidence on progress implementation of the projects to the NDMC within 35 after the end of quarter in which funds are spent
- Provide performance report to the NDMC within 30 after the end of quarter in which funds were spent using relevant disaster allocation monitoring template
Responsibilities of the Provincial Departments - Cooperate with the NDMC,PDMC and sector departments to conduct damage assessment and cost verification
- Submit request for funding to the PDMC within 14 days following the declaration
- Consult with relevant national sector on funding request before submission to the PDMC
- Notify provincial treasury of all submitted request for funding
- Report and monitor implementation of projects
- Submit request for disaster funding, monitor projects and provide reports to the NDMC
- Provide financial reports to the PDMC and relevant national department within 10 days after end of each month including evidence in a form of invoices and pictures of the projects as Annexures
- Provide performance reports which includes evidence on progress implementation of the projects to the NDMC within 35 after the end of quarter in which funds are spent
- Provide performance report to the NDMC within 30 after the end of quarter in which funds were spent using relevant disaster allocation monitoring template
Responsibilities of the Municipalities - Develop and submit business plans incorporating implementation plans of each project and cash flow
- Conduct on site visit to monitor, report and evacuate impact of projects and provide reports which include evidence to the PDMC
- Provide financial and non-financial reports within 10 days at the end of each month
- Provide signed off financial and non-financial performance reports by the accounting officer to the PDMC within 30 days at the end of the quarter in which funds are spent
- Provide annual performance evaluation reports to the PDMC within 30 days at the end of the municipal financial year
Reporting Requirements
As a normal requirements in any given situation every money spent need to be accounted for.
In this instance the following reporting requirements are recommended. - The funds allocated will be transferred to the relevant provincial sector department or municipalities.
- Sector departments are expected to support, monitor and report on progress made on behalf of provincial counterpart or municipalities.
- Local Municipalities have the responsibility to ensure that all relevant information and reports are submitted to the district Municipalities.
- Each sector department or municipality will be required to submit a project plan to the Provincial and the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC).
5. Each sector department or municipality will be required to submit a monthly progress report to the NDMC through the Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC). - The NDMC will meet with the relevant municipalities and the provinces on a bi-monthly basis to review progress, share lessons learnt and challenges.
- The NDMC will visit the provinces and its affected municipalities to verify progress made.
- In terms of the conditions of the Provincial and Municipal Disaster Grants, municipalities will be expected to submit an
expenditure report within 30 days after the end of quarter indicating how much they have spent to date to the NDMC through the PDMC for submission to the National Treasury.
9. Again in terms of the conditions of the Provincial and Municipal Disaster Grants, municipalities will be expected to submit a
performance report within 30 days after the end of quarter during which the funds are spent to the NDMC through the PDMC. |