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DRR school toolkit


Section 6.3.3 of the NDMF requires that DRR education should be integrated into primary and secondary school curricula with a consideration that "schools should be regarded as focal points for raising awareness about disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction". It is also expected that "the risk reduction component of disaster risk management be linked to broader education programmes on development and the environment". These are critical measures to enable the "At Risk" communities to anticipate disasters from prevalent hazards, and to the extent possible, the types of actions and requirements for responses to warnings to support risk reduction and disaster recovery operations.


A framework for DRR school toolkit has been developed and the NDMC is currently in talks with the Department of Basic Education on how it can be integrated into the schooling system. The overall goal of the DRR school toolkit is to provide tools to support disaster risk reduction education and training, school infrastructure and public awareness programmes in the country, with specific objectives being the following:


  • To protect learners, teaching and non-teaching staff from death, injury and harm in schools
  • To plan for educational continuity in the face of expected hazards
  • To strengthen climate-smart disaster resilience through education
  • To change the school children's behaviour, including learners with disabilities, so that they can take up DRR measures individually and collectively;
  • To stimulate interest for DRR professional training and education;
  • To sensitise curriculum developers about a need to integrate DRR education in the school curricula;
  • To safeguard investments in Education Sector;
  • To highlight the need by the Department of Basic Education to fully implement the National Policy for an Equitable School Physical Teaching and Learning Environment; and
  • To stimulate political interest and commitment for school safety